Monday, April 11, 2011

Famale Perspectives

Last class we talked about how women were seen as the lesser of the two sexes. Many people agree that history has shown this to be a common view point of many people. But what about the whole chivalry fad? When women choose what they wanted out of life, and men did everything to get the women to like them. Others say that men still remained the dominant one. I personally think it depends of the couple. Some husbands take the lead role, while others treat their wives as king. History has shown that women have been put into a group of all the same status and that man were always above but I feel that the single examples of each couple (man and woman) varied. I am sure there were couples where the man gave the woman everything in a time where women were seen as second class citizens, and today where woman are equal, there are probably men who act more dominant than their wives.

1 comment:

  1. I would disagree with you on the idea of chivalry. The reason men treated women in the way they did was because women were seen as dainty fragile creatures that could not function unless they had a male figure doing everything for them. This was socially designed co-dependency to keep women from being self reliant.
