Friday, April 29, 2011


We watched an episode of House in class. Dr. House goes through these stages while he is in his coma from being shot by a husband of a dead patient. He goes through theories that many philosophers explain. Here is one:
Dr. House makes reference to another philosopher’s theory. He mentions to the wife that he is imagining, that she is not match for the husband (he believes is her husband). He explains to her the theory of numbers. Most people gravitate themselves toward a same number as themselves. Meaning your appearances rates your category. Pythagorean says all is number.Man can be understood in terms of numbers. House proved Pythagorean’s theory when the audience figured out whose wife the mystery lady was. In essence, as numbers, the two did match and have equal “rates”.
Often times in life this is how we view people. Just as Pythagoras declared all is number. We as humans scale one another and put each other on this made-up numbering system to rate one another's looks or appearance. We, as humans, let formulas define us whether we realize it or not. We measure ourselves and calculate our images just so we can eventually come up with a whole number that suits not only ourselve but society.

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