Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the feminist movement

Before Spring Break, we covered a lot of different aspects of feminism. I never wanted to associate myself with being called a "feminist." In my mind, being labeled as a feminist would make you radical, rebellious, angry, and almost power-hungry. Especially after reviewing Simone de Beavoir's perspective on society's view of women, I see that the feminist movement is not just about wanting power and acknowledgement. Women are really the second sex. I think that her point about women never having a time period where they were superior is valid. If you look at minority races even here in America, there was a time at some point in their generations of people in which that specific face was the upper hand, or the more powerful group. Women, on the other hand, never had that. That being said, sometimes I wonder what the feminist movement is actually trying to achieve. Is it expecting radical change in the way women are viewed? More rights? There is only so much you can do to change a social perspective.

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