Friday, April 29, 2011

Marx - Existence

Marx - “It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness.”

I wish I could disagree with Marx’s quote stated above. Unfortunately it is true. What do for a living (our jobs/careers) “makes” us who we are or who we are thought to be. What type of car we drive, how big our house is, where our kids go to school all affect peoples perceptions of us.

Why is it not that what we think and know we should be doing be more important then what material object we possess. I think we can all agree that we take no physical possessions with us when we pass away. With that in mind why then are those material belongings so important? Why do we “keep up with the Jones’?” I am in my mid 30’s now and have come to realize that the only “thing” that matters really, is spending time with my family and showing them how much I love them.

I agree with Marx but I try to live like my consciousness is determining my existence.

What are your thoughts?

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