Friday, April 29, 2011

Simple Ignorance and happiness

One of the first things we learned were the forms of ignorance. The one that struck me the most was the one about Simple ignorance. It is recognizing your ignorance and doing nothing about it. The definition screams someone with a lazy mentality. I believe philosophy calls for one to be concerned with everything and letting one thing slide away without you grasping knowledge about it is sheer laziness. In today's world, I'm not sure if i was enlightened enough to still learn everything i no nothing about. It is partly because of laziness, but it is partly because I'm uncertain there is truly a way to have both a life and verse yourself on everything you do not know. in order to know one must take time to research and research about such things. Only reading one "thing" about the subject does not make you knowledgeable but it somewhat informs you a little more than you may have been informed before. To devote one's time and efforts to all the things he/she does not will consume the little life he/she has. Is it fair to consume oneself with only knowledge and have no other substances to their life?
Virtuous Knowledge says you do not know but you are on a continuous quest for that knowledge. Does what life offers today call for the time to only be knowledgeable or does it call for other aspects of life to keep one moving? And can't one be happy with gradually learning information instead of being on a constant quest for total knowledge.
I believe life is Progressive Ignorance. As your world continues you are versed on things of concern to what your life pertains to. being knowledgeable on everything takes away from the other aspects of the world one is here to learn about and absorb.

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