Friday, April 29, 2011

Simone De Beauvoir

I must say that Simone de Beauvoir has completely changed my view towards feminism in its entirety. I suppose before this class I was completely ignorant to what feminism truly was/is. I have always had a problem with gender equality, mostly because of the societal constructs that exit in the United States. I always assumed that equality was unnecessay because the position women are in life, is seemingly easier in comparison to men. It's socially acceptable for a woman to be a housewife and never work a day in her life. For a man, this is not only social acceptable but nearly impossible depending on your family circumstances. I, however, have clearly been wrong. Women have been objectified since the beginning of society for men's use. They have not chosen their position but have had it chosen for them. Our lesson on de Beauvoir has changed my view towards feminism 180 degrees. I'm really proud of that.

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