Friday, April 29, 2011

Original Identity

In class we discussed Simone De Beauvoir and referenced the show Sex and the City. I LOVE Sex and the City. I use to always view it as an empowering feminist show. Carry has all her friends, they all have jobs, they all can afford fancy clothes, shoes all from their own income. For once a show with no BS and actually makes women look awesome and independent. But Dr. Layne completely put it into perspective for me. They weren't independent at all. If anything it could be called a high class dating show, the whole premises of the show is about them finding a man. And basically showing a women audience the type of woman personas they can take on to attract a certain type of man. Which is my next point; can women really be their own person? Can women have their own identity? Because women can only be the opposite of man or just fit a feministic ideal men have setup for them whats a woman to do? This is exactly Beauvoir's idea to save women, that for them to have an identity they have to become original and unique with their identity. I found this puzzling but at the same time exciting to see what identity I will form in my future now that I have become aware of the faults in becoming the "ideal woman".

1 comment:

  1. I have wondered about this, as well. If we shouldn't act like men, but we also shouldn't act out the stereotypical feminine role, how should we act? I dress in "girly" clothes, I wear makeup, and I fix my hair; but I do these things for me because I personally enjoy them. But then I wonder, do I only enjoy it because I've been socially conditioned to? The concept of the true identity of women is rather confusing to me...
