Monday, April 11, 2011


The view on femininity is a touchy topic, just as everyone noticed in class. What exactly classifies being feminine to woman all of the time? As we discussed it cannot be an actual part of the body that makes a woman feminine, can femininity be classified on one's perception of how a person is acting or has acted? If that is the case then what constitutes as being a feminie action? Just like for men, if a man tries to look good and is well groomed all the time that means he is doing a feminine act because that is what a woman would do. The whole concept of what feminine actually is still unclear although thought to be known. Although this image that is put onto people is not formed from the body or mind, it is still as if it was.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. What does being woman mean? if a man likes to take care of his hair for example does that mean he is a woman just because we consider it to be a "feminine" action? I don't believe that as a society we have determined the defining characteristic of being a woman, whether this characteristic be mental, physical or sentimental.
