Friday, April 29, 2011

Experiences shape Knowledge

Hume declared all knowledge is gained via the things one experiences. I believe this can be helpful and hurtful at the same time. In each life there are different experiences. One's experiences can scar them for the rest of his/her life. However, this explains an ordeal of people. at the beginning of the semester we learned about Simple ignorance and it says these are the people that know themselves to be ignorant but do nothing about it. If knowledge is experience, and experience has taught you negativity about knowlegde, then should that person really be considered simply ignorant?
Experience forms all opinions of who a person turn out to be or is molded to be. Some of my very own experiences have left me confused and wary about doing many things. My knowledge may be incorrect, however, I believe i is only until one is versed better through new experiences can it help can outlooks if they are initially bad.

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