Friday, April 29, 2011

Fallacy #2

Hasty Generalizations are what I believe keep racism alive. All racism is is a general view of an entire race based on maybe one shameful experience with one person of that race. It is not knowledge of the entire community. I don't believe one can make a comment and it generally concern the entire community. I may be wrong but there is no way (in my opinion) one man can be the "model" of what a race represents.
When one argues based on a hasty generalization, his/her argument is invalid. I question if this knowledge is readily available and it taught in colleges and all important figures are supposed to be taught philosophy, then why do we still today have hatred in the world. Is it not the job of the educated to teach the uneducated what is correct? Hatred comes from the immediate dislike of someone based on factors unknown. Since this is common knowledge (or it should be), then why in the media do we still register every known crime with a specific race? When in court why are many not given their due justice? It is because we have not conquered how to properly argue our opinions.

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