Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm uncertain which position to take because I do not believe I can fully explain either. Socrates came up with the theory of recollection. People know only because they have been previously taught this information because the soul is immortal. if this is true then why must the soul, even though it is in a new body, re-learn the information it is said to have known? Does the information die within the mind/body of the person? and if so, then where did the theory of recollection come from?
I do not believe people come to this earth with amnesia. Whether the soul dies or not the minds are only formed through learned knowledge of that life time. Because if it were true that knowledge stays with the soul then how do we explain our children who are slow learners? Is it that for each time that particular soul entered into a body it knew nothing of what it is being taught this time around? This cannot be. At some point would not one conclude that at least one body the soul has entered has obtained knowledge the current body can use?

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