Friday, April 29, 2011

Feminist? - Reposted

Nellie McKay “Feminists don’t have a sense of humor”

I found this video amazing in several different ways. Musically she is playing a stringed instrument and singing at the same time while looking into the audience and interacting with them. As a French Horn player I know the difficulty of performing on stage but not on this level.

Irony is defined as, the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning, I am in awe of McKay’s ability to perform, rap, sing, “argue”, share her feeling and thoughts about such sensitive things; such as, politics, abortion, sexual issues, men vs. women, etc.

I found Ms. McKay an extremely versatile performer and greatly appreciated Dr. Layne sharing this video. Thank you.

Here are a few more links I found interesting:

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