Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Lately?

All this talk of happiness got me thinking about Aristotle's question, Can a Man Be Called "Happy" During His Lifetime? If Happiness is what we are always working towards, will we ever find it, or will we just continue to search for and work towards it until the end of our life. If we are always working towards it when can we finally say "I am happy?" And will we ever be satisfied? In my experience i have come to realize that we are born with the ability to achieve and maintain happiness throughout our lives. Not to say that our moods will not change from day to day, the inevitably will. But with each decision we make we open ourselves to the pursuit for happiness or sorrow. And these outcomes may reveal themselves immediately or at much later times. But within us is the ability to decide if each day will be a day of joy or misery. And oddly enough over time the decisions we make daily add up to create a full life of overall happiness or overall destruction. Therefore it is in all that we do that will define a life, which can be measured in multiple ways, daily and over the long hull.

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