Thursday, February 24, 2011

When reading Descartes' meditation, the first discusses his doubts. When Descartes talks about his doubts of human senses, I sat back and thought about it. While pondering this idea, I concluded I felt the same doubt at times. While riding home one night earlier this week, the moon was bright, full, and what appeared to be close to the earth. My sisters' first response were, "Look at the moon! Almost seems like we can jump off the roof and hang on.". This reminded me of the meditations. While looking at the moon, one could even make out figures that appeared to be craters. However, everyone knows that the moon is considerably far out of reach. So how is it that it appears so close? I'm sure there is a scientific answer to that question, however, the sense of sight has nonetheless deceived me.
My sight was not the only senses that has deceived me this week, but my hearing also. While on my job, I was continuously deceived by my hearing. My mom has always told me there was a problem with my hearing but I have to side with Descartes again. I repeatedly thought I heard my manager and shift leader calling me. I'm sure everybody can also relate to thinking you heard your phone alerting you of a text message but to no avail. This phenomena kept me going into my pockets for my phone throughout my shift.
Descartes has a point with doubt. Doubting your senses can be easy when one has the aforementioned occurrences.

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