Yes, it's 16 minutes before class starts. I'm playing catch up. I'm going to be a real man and make an excuse: I was focused on my paper. In it I fought Socrates' assertion of the soul's immortality. It was hard for me to take a definitive stand on this, but it was at least something I definitely did not agree with. Making a decision is hard for me, because you see, I am a coward.
Okay, I like to say that I'm humble, which leads to my lack of a stance on the afterlife and such. I utilize my agnosticism to say "I don't know," so I see atheism as equally as arrogant as organized religion. Gun to head, I will pick no holy existence, though. But it was still challenging to act like I knew what I was talking about as I tried to take down Socrates. Maybe this class will actually grow a pair for me. Of guts, I mean.
This has got to be the funniest post I've seen in a while.
Dr. Layne