Monday, February 21, 2011

God God God

Why does God have to exist? In class we talked about several arguments aiming to prove the existence of God. There has to be a cause, there’s too much order, the very definition necessitates His existence, etc. It seems to me that the idea of a god in the way we think of Him is far too complex to be explained by such simple reasons. If, for example, our bodily functions are explained by complex processes, which themselves are explained by chemical processes at the atomic level, shouldn’t something as great as God have an even greater, more complex explanation?

I wonder if it is actually even necessary to try and prove the existence of God. For thousands of years peoples of the world have believed in their respective religions without looking for a reason to believe. Certainly there were also heretics. It has always been the case that some people believe, others don’t. And it will probably stay that way even when more evidence is provided to either side of the argument, no matter how strong the evidence is. If you think flawless logic can convince anyone then you’ve clearly never been in an argument with my mother (just kidding, Mom).

I don’t think anyone can fully prove the existence or lack thereof of a supreme being. This type of mystery is beautiful, but I think it might be a waste of time for a human being to try and sort it out.

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