Sunday, February 20, 2011

Movie Night

So this Friday I went with some of my friends to go see Liam Neeson's new movie, Unknown, and it was really, really awesome. I recommend it to all of you out there that are considering to see it and for those of you that want to see it I suggest that you don't continue reading this post because I may ruin it for you so with that in mind:


So Liam Neeson's character is a spy/pseudo-terrorist/badass in this movie that gets into a random car accident while on a job. He flies off this bridge in Germany into the river and bangs his head on the glass window in the car as he plummets down into the river, after being rescued he wakes up in a hospital and suffers some memory loss. What he doesn't remember is that he is this international agent, what he remembers and believes are the "memories" that he and his other operatives made up for their background/cover stories. This isn't revealed to us though until the movie is within 20 min of ending, it was a way cool plot and it took a really surprising turn which was just done really well.

Then being a good philosophy student, my mind became riddled with questions that I didn't have the answers to. For instance, what is it that we know about the truths in our lives? What if we were to wake up and not have a solid memory like Liam Neeson's character in the movie? Who would I think I was? Would I think that I am someone that I'm not at all like in the movie?

Then upon returning to the dorm we watched another movie The Island made in 2005 with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson and that was also a very good movie (the above spoiler alert is still in effect). In this movie, taking place in the near future, there are clones that are made of people for medical purposes and kept in this Giant facility where they go about their lives. What's interesting is that the clones don't realize that they are clones and they think they are these actual people. One of them begins to question who he is and questioning the things around him and he figures out that his reality is not real at all and that everything around him was false.

Both of these movies made me think about what makes a person a person. Is it the memories or their ability to question some of the things around them or is it what they think they know as truths? In both films truths were proven to be false and realities were drastically changed.

Great movies, I recommend them both.


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