Sunday, February 20, 2011

Infinite Time

In class we talked about infinity and how it is something that the human mind can't really understand. As humans, we understand that numbers go on to infinity, but this is one of the only things that we understand to have this feature. The Kalam cosmological argument says that whatever has a beginning must have a cause, and the universe began to exist, therefore the universe must have a cause. However, in class, we discussed the possibility of the universe not having a beginning. Just as people say God doesn't have a beginning, maybe the universe doesn't either. Maybe the universe is just an infinite thing as well and maybe there is no true "beginning of time" or beginning of the universe and perhaps it has always been. Although it is even harder for me to grasp the idea of infinite time and an infinite universe, it may be a more logical idea than trying to pinpoint an exact beginning for the universe. I have always thought about the beginning of time, and when the class brought up the idea of the universe not having a beginning, it made me think even more about the idea. Of course, this could be one thing that humans may never be able to truly know or understand.

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