In this class we will ask ‘what is philosophy?’ in the hopes of defending the importance of this discipline for the individual and society. In this endeavor we shall trek through the history of philosophy while unpacking some of the major issues and problems in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic and politics. Furthermore we will address the perennial problems of the good life, personal identity, authenticity and social responsibility.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Jean-Paul Sartre
Descartes vs. Hume
Originally Posted January 23rd, 2011
Originally Posted January 30th, 2011
Logic Fallacies
Karl Marx
Alice Walker
Simone De Beauvoir
Stages of Life
-Chris Branchcomb
does god exist
Karl Marx
Flourishing = Death?
Dominant Race/Gender
In more recent times we see the black woman is the provider. If there is no father figure the black woman assumes the role of the father in order to provide for her children. The black woman has been the subject of her time only because she has stuck it out trying to be a care taker, advice giver as well as provider for her family.
I do not believe people come to this earth with amnesia. Whether the soul dies or not the minds are only formed through learned knowledge of that life time. Because if it were true that knowledge stays with the soul then how do we explain our children who are slow learners? Is it that for each time that particular soul entered into a body it knew nothing of what it is being taught this time around? This cannot be. At some point would not one conclude that at least one body the soul has entered has obtained knowledge the current body can use?
Experiences shape Knowledge
Experience forms all opinions of who a person turn out to be or is molded to be. Some of my very own experiences have left me confused and wary about doing many things. My knowledge may be incorrect, however, I believe i is only until one is versed better through new experiences can it help can outlooks if they are initially bad.
When I Grow Up..
God's Existence
God is the reason for our existence. what can prove how we first evolved? Humans from dust alone is not conceivable. However, an all powerful being creating us is conceivable. We exist through God.
Belief in God is the source of all comfort. One can easily find this comfort when he/she is distressed or in need of someone to lift his/her burden. There is a song that says "the presence of the Lord is here, I can feel it in hte atmosphere." God's presence is always present. He is there in all situations. This is most apparent when the unthinkable happens and the impossible has come true. It is only God who makes these things happen in our lives.
Role in Society
I believe perceptions are what make people exactly who they are. Perceptions are neither a good thing nor a bad thing but they can take a turn for the worst. Perceptions come from the experiences one goes through daily. Therefore Perceptions are constantly changing as well as changing the person you are now.
Dr. House makes reference to another philosopher’s theory. He mentions to the wife that he is imagining, that she is not match for the husband (he believes is her husband). He explains to her the theory of numbers. Most people gravitate themselves toward a same number as themselves. Meaning your appearances rates your category. Pythagorean says all is number.Man can be understood in terms of numbers. House proved Pythagorean’s theory when the audience figured out whose wife the mystery lady was. In essence, as numbers, the two did match and have equal “rates”.
Often times in life this is how we view people. Just as Pythagoras declared all is number. We as humans scale one another and put each other on this made-up numbering system to rate one another's looks or appearance. We, as humans, let formulas define us whether we realize it or not. We measure ourselves and calculate our images just so we can eventually come up with a whole number that suits not only ourselve but society.
Meaning of life
Fallacy #2
waiting for Godot
Simple Ignorance and happiness
the stages of lifes way
The Stages of lifes way
K Kierkagaard Simple
class secretary
class secretary humans as producers
Humans’ beings master nature to meet needs, primarily material. Human beings are producers and everything we are involved in we do to better ourselves. We satisfy needs by approaching nature and producing commodities to be consumed. Everything we do is resolved around a need/a want. “Men must be in a position to live in order to be able to make history”. At the end of the day everyone wants to make history in some way shape or form. People feel a need to important and they will go up and beyond to do so.
Human beings compete against each other in order to make their place in life and hard work is the determining factor. “A commodity is an object outside of us, a thing that by its properties satisfies human wants of some sort or another. The nature of such wants, for instance, they spring from the stomach or from fancy, makes no difference”. Human work first for the basic needs such as shelter and food. Then Second materialistic things such as nice cars, jewelry, and clothes.
Human relationships can either be productive or alienated. In order to make the most out of life and meet the common needs having good relationships with people is
important. When people get along and like each other things get done a lot easier and a lot faster.Differences between socialism and capitalism: Socialism takes care of some everyday worries such as going to doctor which may be nice. In Capitalism human beings have to work for certain things and i like that because it makes me feel I have a responsibility and I don’t want everything dumped on my plate and given to me. I want to work hard for everything I have and have it because I earned it.
we can understand but not relate
Human Beings
Language Creates Thought
Satre - Object and/or Subject
Dr. Layne has taught us that sex is a great example of going back and forth between subject and object but never both. That at any given point of intercourse you are either the subject (the doer) or the object (the one being done).
I agree that most of the time we, couples, are teeter tottering between being the object and the subject. I disagree that you can not be both. I have been married for almost 15 years now and with going into to pornographic detail have been both the object and the subject simultaneously.
When you give everything you have of yourself to your self and to your partner there is an amazing sense of freedom, comfort, safety, love, passion, animalistic urges, fear, craziness, euphoria and love that I feel only comes after both parties agree to be free. Free to share anything and everything with each other. Being vulnerable enough to make mistakes, learn from them and be a better lover afterwards.
I have been both Subject and Object............have you?
Marx - Existence
Marx - “It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness.”
I wish I could disagree with Marx’s quote stated above. Unfortunately it is true. What do for a living (our jobs/careers) “makes” us who we are or who we are thought to be. What type of car we drive, how big our house is, where our kids go to school all affect peoples perceptions of us.
Why is it not that what we think and know we should be doing be more important then what material object we possess. I think we can all agree that we take no physical possessions with us when we pass away. With that in mind why then are those material belongings so important? Why do we “keep up with the Jones’?” I am in my mid 30’s now and have come to realize that the only “thing” that matters really, is spending time with my family and showing them how much I love them.
I agree with Marx but I try to live like my consciousness is determining my existence.
What are your thoughts?
Kierkegaard - What stage of life are you in? Aesthetic, Ethical or Religion?
I hoped, after learning the three stages life we live in base on Kierkegaard’s philosophy, that I would be one of the few living in the ethical realm. Unfortunately I am not. I do think life is a game sometimes. I am focused on life’s pleasures, food, material items, love, etc. I have not found out who or what my authentic self is. I am often bored with life’s flow. I feel a great amount of despair being my own individual. I am a slave in my own body.
What stage are you living in?
How honest are being with your self.
Descartes.........The mind is not just a Thinking Thing
Descartes objected against the fact that the mind was not just a thinking thing. Well, I agree and disagree. Our brains purpose is to think, contemplate, rationalize, make decisions. To think is just that we are processing information from all of our senses and bam, there is our thought(s).
On the other hand what about our 6th sense? What about the fact that we are not just simple mortals, human beings, animals? What about the unexplainable things that occur in our lives? Haven’t you ever picked up the phone to call someone and they called you first and they are already on the line one you answered it? Have you ever had that feeling of something outside of me is happening, greater then me, bigger then me, something unexplainable?
Do you think the mind is or is not just a thinking thing?
Hume - No innate knowledge?
David Hume thought that there was no innate knowledge. He thought that all knowledge was gained via experience. I agree that a very high percentage of our knowledge is gained via experience but definitely not all of our knowledge.
Why you ask? Well simply because I know without a shadow of a doubt that everything we “know” does not just come from what we experience after birth. Here are only a few examples/proof that their is innate knowledge after all. First His Holiness The Dalai Lama is the 14th Dalai Lama and each is viewed as reincarnations of past buddhist ancestors.
Savants are also a great example of their are things we are simply born with both knowledge and ability. Kim Peek, the real Rain Man was the person that the character Dustin Hoffman played was based off of. Mr. Peek is severely disabled, can’t walk, and can’t even button his own shirt. But, what he can do is amazing. He has read over 12,000 books and remembers everything about them. He remembers everything about music after only hearing it once. He reads two pages of a book at one time. His left eye reads the left page and his right eye reads the right page. How else could this be possible if he was not born with the ability?
Leslie Lemke, a severely disabled young man who at birth lost his eyes in order to safe his life was adopted by the Lemke family, had amazing gifts. He could not talk, walk, dress himself, etc. But, at the age of 16 he woke his parents up playing the Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1 flawlessly, after only hearing it once earlier that day on the television.
By the examples above I hope you can see that we, I hope all of us, have innate knowledge that we are born with.
Please check out the following website for great videos and more detailed examples of savants:
Ignorance iS........Bliss?
A few weeks ago we were discussing Plato and Socrates and this quote has stuck with me ever since.
“You yourselves, surely, know that wrong action done without knowledge is done because of ignorance.” PLATO, Protagoras, 357d.
My wrong action most recently is assumption of knowledge. See, my wife is a high school band director and works well over 40 hours a week, some late nights and often on the weekend there is something she must attend to. Being married for over 13 years I have loved her will all I have. My heart, my soul, my pain, my wishes, me as I am figuring me out.
I assumed I knew why she shouldn’t be spending all those extra hours at school and could somehow find a better balance with her work and family obligations. I assumed I knew what it was like to take over a band program after turmoil and unrest. I assumed I knew what decisions she should be making for her which might better serve my wants and guess what, I was wrong.
I do not know what is better for anyone as I do not yet still know what is truly the best for me because it is ever changing. A fine balance between figuring oneself out, finding out what works and what doesn’t work. Please do not assume knowledge as I have. I think Descartes would agree by this point that challenging everything, all senses and truths would be a wise decision.
What do you think?
Aristotle: Happy
Aristotle believed that The Golden Mean, temperance, was the balance between too much and too little, i.e. courage, too much courage would make a man reckless and too little courage would make a man a coward. I do not see how then if our end goal for all of our choices, our choices in life, are to be happy how his thinks also there could be a temperance in everything else. Why would it not be that if we were happy all the time would that not be the extreme, the too much, thus not balancing, and having temperance with happiness as well? Would we not become unhappy by being happy all the time? Isn't being unhappy part of knowing what being happy is and then balancing it out?
Feminist? - Reposted
Nellie McKay “Feminists don’t have a sense of humor”
I found this video amazing in several different ways. Musically she is playing a stringed instrument and singing at the same time while looking into the audience and interacting with them. As a French Horn player I know the difficulty of performing on stage but not on this level.
Irony is defined as, the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning, I am in awe of McKay’s ability to perform, rap, sing, “argue”, share her feeling and thoughts about such sensitive things; such as, politics, abortion, sexual issues, men vs. women, etc.
I found Ms. McKay an extremely versatile performer and greatly appreciated Dr. Layne sharing this video. Thank you.
Here are a few more links I found interesting:
Philosophy Really.......Reposted
When discussing the definition vs. examining definition of Philosophy, my brain started spinning. What is life all about? Why do we think and not think about things? Why are some things/people more important than others? Why do we need such precise answers in life, i.e. scientific exacts, mathematical precision, etc.?
Long story short, I am greatly appreciating that something as simple as a required Introduction to Philosophy class can help wake me up, stir the gumbo!
I know life is very short. My older brother was killed in a car accident and that devastated me. The reason I am sharing this to everyone is I am challenging everyone to question, seriously, what they are thinking about. What drives them to make the choices they make?
To me, we are what we think we are!
His/Her or Her/His?
Since the school year is winding down I, like all other students, have to write a couple of papers. Each time I face the same challenge when referring to individuals. Do I say their, his/her, or her/his? Or do I avoid the issue and try to reword my sentence. As absurd as it is, there has been plenty of times where I have found it easier to reword my sentence than to conquer the issue and write it as I planned.
It reminds me of when I was learning my body parts when I was younger. My mom would refuse for my to have nicknames for any part of my body. Although I was made sure to know that they were considered private parts, I was taught that girls have vaginas and breasts while boys have penises. My mom explains today that she believes giving these "private parts" nicknames only gives them more power. A penis is a part of your body just like an elbow is. Although we laugh about it today, I can appreciate what my mom was trying to teach my siblings and me.
I feel the same way about the issue of choosing which way to write "his/her". I think that there is entirely too much conversation about the grammatical way of writing it. I am actually a tad upset that I am contributing to the commotion by blogging about it. I understand the argument that "his" should not be first all of the time because, well why should it? And I understand that in a very literal way it is still putting men before women. But if we make so much fuss over the issue than we are just showing that there is power behind "his" being first ( just like my childhood lesson). It shouldn't matter. If women are constantly trying to become equal with men than we should not be affected that "his" is first instead of "her". If equality means that neither has more weight or pull than the fact that people are so upset when "his" is placed first does not make entire sense. It would be the same issue if "her" was always placed first.
Or maybe I am misinterpreting my mother's lesson? Maybe the fact that "his" is first IS giving power to the man behind the word. Maybe we should find a neutral word. But to me that would completely erase all identity. It would erase the essence of men and women.
I know that this is a very small problem in the bigger picture , but I think it tells a lot. It shows that we have a long way to go before men and women are considered equal. It shows that there is a great amount of progress that needs to be made before his or her, she and him, manhood and womanhood, do not have power behind their placement in a sentence. I am happy the fact that these questions are being proposed and addressed and that even these small issues are not being tip-toed around anymore. But, where should we draw the line between acknowledging women's equality and completely bashing men and their history? I am not sure the solution to this problem or if by not changing it I am just surrendering to the problem and avoiding it, but it is something to consider.
Two Types of Arguing
In Your Mind
Original Identity
Fear Behind Religion?
Aristotle's Take on Friendship
Changed view of Sex and the City
I was one of those girls who watched the show and though, “Yeah! A show about four powerful and independent women!” However, learning about feminist philosophy has made me realize how degrading it is. The whole show revolves around men and how dependent these “independent” women are on them.
The Cosmology of Authority
I am the champion of this fallacy. I commit it all the time. Hell, it drives my outlook on life. "Oh, science has proven evolution and explains many of the miracles of life? The scientists said that? Good enough for me." When people ask why I am atheist, especially when they seem to be looking for a spiteful reason to hate God, I will flatly reply, "Science." I trust the scientists' word on things, when I really shouldn't. I have this egotistical worldview that we cannot really innovate any more and that the world won't be carved up into pieces by destructive powers as it was in the past. It's a very rational and intelligent view with about zero support by world history. However, the scientists could be proven wrong in many aspects in just one lifetime. Yet I still take their word with foolish trust.
How can we ever really know what we are learning? Who can we trust with the authority of knowledge? Why couldn't we leave this fallacy of the list so I would never know about it?!
Existentialism and Art
Memory and Death
Would you really like to be remembered for exactly the person you are, in which people would have to never remember you in order to preserve that accuracy? Or do you hope in your death that the bad will be overlooked and eventually forgotten forever? Either way, at least parts of yourself will be completely forgotten without you continually validated them.
Remember less, so you can remember me best.
The Drive for Existence
At the end of the night I remained awake with two friends, Nick and Zach. Previously Nick had told us of a horror movie called the "Poughkeepsie Tapes." It is a horror film presented in the form of documentary, under the premise that the film is a true story with real video. The "real video" part is the interesting aspect: The plot says that after many murders and disappearances in an upstate NY/Pennsylvania area, the cops had no leads. Eventually they were led to an abandoned home, which happened to have ten bodies buried in the backyard. What's more, there are over 800 tapes in the house, in which the killer tapes all of his actions, from stalking his targets to abducting them to killing them and disposing of the bodies. This low-grade "real" film material is interspersed with interviews and sessions with the FBI and forensics departments.
Impressive acting makes the idea of serial killing and torture much more personal. There are only two murder scenes in the movie, but it is still a genuinely haunting film. Far more harrowing were the scenes involving poor Cheryl Dempsey, the girl abducted by the killer. He never killed her, but rather imprisoned her for eight years, brutally torturing and psychologically re-circuiting her. One cannot help but feel horrible as he or she watches this girl go from the screaming, terrified captive Cheryl to the timid, submissive and mentally obliterated servant named "Slave." When the cops raid the abandoned house they find Cheryl with her eerie porcelain mask on, lying in a wooden coffin in the living room, still alive. The officers brought Cheryl to the hospital to recover from her torture and eventually be returned to her mother. Her mother received Slave, though. Cheryl continued to proclaim her love for her master, who she said would come back for her. Shortly after an interview with the documentary, which only resulted in her constantly answering with "What do you want me to say?", she took her own life.
This Cheryl/Slave plot point is the creepiest part of the film, and the focus of this post. In this abduction and torture, the "Water Street Butcher" created existence. He took Cheryl's existence and destroyed it, replacing it with a being he wanted and specifically crafted. As the idea that he was her "master" implied, the guy likes power. With this in mind it is worth noting that he aimed to be a god, creating new life. This torture was his means of not only taking away life, but making it. He did not procreate, but tortured. New existence sprung not from new cells but from new mentality. When I begun this post I was going to write on Cheryl's fight to be something. I was going to say that Cheryl was so desperate to not be murdered and become nonexistent that she assumed the person that she could be. She took it and nurtured it, becoming Slave because she was being. Now that I consider it, however, I realize that the killer would never kill her. He would keep torturing her until she complied and until she knew nothing else except love for her master. Cheryl was going to get the brunt of vile sadism until she became what she had to be.
Though that point on Cheryl falls through, I still like to propose a thesis that we all seek to exist. We all want to be something. We will do whatever is necessary to be what we want to be, but in many circumstances people will settle with being something else, so long as they are in fact being.
I advise against watching this movie. It freaked me the hell out. I have been checking closets and making sure all doors are locked in my house every night. But I'm also a huge gash. The film is not on DVD/Netflix, but the entire thing is uploaded on Youtube. I tell you this so you can make the choice to watch it. Once again, I advise that you can and should go through life without watching it.
Feminism Subcategories?
St. Ignatius of Loyola and Kierkeegard
Truman's passage from slave to master morality
Thursday, April 28, 2011
V for Vendetta and Socrates
Though his methods are not that moderate and are maybe a bit dramatic- he intends to destroy the parliament building using explosives and loud music while saying "It is to Madame Justice that I dedicate this concerto"- he considers this act as ideal in achieving his goal: to gain the people's attention and to give them hope. Something to note about V's character is that he takes everything with good disposition and humor. He has made the best from what has happened to him, and although he intends to seek revenge, he is doing it for the horrendous injustice of what was done to him and to other hundreds of people. I believe he acts in a virtuous manner throughout the movie. His objectives are well motivated and he acts with courage and great sense of piety.
There's a scene in this movie which impacted me heavily the first time I saw it. In which V sheds Evey's (the female main character) insecurities away, and after which she finally becomes a just and virtuous person. After this scene, it's clearly noticeable how Evey has gone from being scared and unhappy all the time, to being confident, more independent and happy. Also, in the end he gets to destroy the building and to give the sense of justice and hope back to the population. Thus, just as Socrates would say, once they regained their sense of justice, they were much happier than any unjust character in the movie.
Water for Elephants
Kant's deontological position
Do laws bind us or instead release us from freedom?
Sartre often made reference to Ivan Karamazov, a famous character in one of Dostoevsky books by saying that "if God doesn't exist, then everything is permitteed". However, it this is true why then do such things as a moral code and a wide variety of laws exist? I think maybe the answer lies on some need to have certain things written in ston, which may make the process of freedom and decision-making more bearable since it doesn't depend on us completely for certain things. Maybe people hold on to these moral codes and laws in order to justify themselves in front of them or condemn themselves when they don't follow them. These laws then, may be used to legitimize certain conducts, or in other words, as "excuses" and escape ways from "complete freedom".
Simone de Beauvoir: An Inspiration
Living Among Robots
Have you ever questioned the true existence of others surrounding you?
When I was a little kid, I would sometimes think about the possibility of me being the only “real” person, living among “fake”, or maybe imagined, individuals, who didn’t really have a mind at all. Growing up, I’ve heard many others stating similar beliefs with maybe slight variances. I don’t really believe in that anymore, however, I remembered all of this when reading Descartes Meditations, specifically his idea that I need to systematically doubt my senses, which are actually deceiving me, and that the only thing in which I can trust is about the fact that I am a thinking being. However, what about the others? What about the people who sit next to me in class, or my family, my friends? Are they real?
I think therefore I am. However, I can’t be certain other people have a genuine mind. Think about this, let’s have the example of me sitting next to a friend who just broke up with her boyfriend. She’s crying right now, therefore I believe she’s sad, probably because she misses him, probably because she cares about him, or some other similar reason. However, all I can perceive of her is the way her body is behaving in order to interpret her mind. I’m believing in my senses which tell me that if your eyes well up and you begin to cry it must be because you’re thinking about something sad. But, as Descartes would tell me, it’s impossible to know if she’s thinking at all based on my senses. Furthermore, he would add, there exists a dualism, a mind and body problem, separating them in two completely different entities. If this is the case, then it would be wrong to base my knowledge in her body behavior, which is not connected to the mind.
I don’t believe in dualism. Being a psychology major makes it really hard for me to believe that mind and body are completely separate. However, if dualism was possible, or even true, then there would really be nothing to assure a person he/she is not living among robots.