Sunday, February 13, 2011


You know that phrase, "How could they know if they were never taught?". That is continuously been running through my head while learning these philosophies. I look at Plato when thinking about this and the "Allegory of the Cave". In the "Allegory of the Cave" the characters are not able to understand or know truth until they leave the cave. I always have loved "Allegory of the Cave" because I feel it truthfully explains human ignorance. Unless we experience something or see it for ourselves, we will continue to believe anything someone tells us. If a person grows up in a village where they are told one thing, they are going to believe this until they leave that village and experience or see it somewhere else.

In the comedic film The God's Must Be Crazy, a coke bottle falls from the sky (out of a low flying plane) in Africa into a village of bush people. Because the Bush people have no idea what a coke bottle is they use it inappropriately The clip shows how sometimes the ignorance and lack of understanding can result in our unhappiness.

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