Sunday, February 13, 2011

Am i just naturally virtuous?

In class, i had trouble understanding the difference between being naturally virtuous and truly virtuous. As long as someone is being virtuous, i didn't see how there could really be a difference. If i do the right thing, then i've simply done the right thing. So why should someone have to try and decipher whether my actions are natural or true? I walk a dog along st. charles and i usually run into a homeless person at least once a week if not more. so if i give them money, i think my actions should be truly virtuous regardless of why i did it. It's never a matter of recognition or anything like that, because that is never virtuous in any way. If i do it just because i feel good helping someone and my parents, schools, and religion have influenced me to be this way, does that mean i am only naturally virtuous because it seems to be a habit of mine that i have grown to possess? Or suppose i do it because i know that the money i give will possibly feed the homeless person for a day and give them some satisfaction. does that mean i have done a truly virtuous act? i believe i had the right feelings in both situations and it would bring about the right end in both situations. So the separation of truly virtuous and naturally virtuous still seems to slightly confuse me.

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