Sunday, January 30, 2011

Socrates believes in reincarnation

When I was reading Phaedo, I began making connections between Socrate's argument with the idea of reincarnation. Both have the idea of "souls [that] existed before we were born". The cycle of Death, Soul, and Birth made me think of reincarnation. When then reminded me of my brother. When my brother was younger he use to tell us about how he was in the Civil War, and the people he knew before we were born. At the time it was really funny. But reading Phaedo made me start thinking about the possibility. Another trait about my brother has is that he seems to know so much about history. Now granted he learns it in his high school classes but his memory is like someone who is "recollecting" something he already knew. Maybe my brother is actually Socrates.

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting and makes me also think of deja vu. We have all had the feeling something already occurring when it is in fact the first time we have actually been in that situation. There are many medical associations with this feeling and plenty of scientific explanations, but why do you feel so strange afterwards? Deja vu was once explained to me as "being in the right place in your life at the right time". But what if deja vu is having some strange connection with the past? Or a sort of "recollecting" as you put it with previous memories?
