Sunday, January 23, 2011


In my last post i talked about how there are so many unanswered questions about evolution. But i just realized that there are many unanswered question in most of all the sciences. For example, in my psychology we are learning about the history and all the important people who influenced the study of psychology, and each new person has their own idea of how human behavior is developed. But which one is right? Psychology, at least to me, is an extremely vague science. Now I learned that all sciences started out as philosophy, but some sciences are more definite and concrete. For example, in math we know for sure that 1+1 will always equal 2. This is an equation that we have excepted as a definite truth. But in psychology I feel that there are no definite truths. So how is it not part of philosophy still? It kind of reminds me of religion, there are many different ways and everyone gets to choose their own way. in psychology there are many different theories of how the human thought process works and everyone gets to believe their own theory. Their is no definite concrete explanation to human behavior. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that all sciences are still philosophies of one sort or another.

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