Monday, January 24, 2011

Is Arguing Really Worth It?

In class on Wednesday we discussed arguing. That arguments are a process of reasoning that intends to establish or evidence the truth of a conclusion. For some reason this made me think of the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. In the movie Joel and Clementine have a hectic relationship filled with tons of arguing. Clementine goes to literally get Joel erased from her memory from a doctor. Joel finds out shes done this when she doesn't even recognize or acknowledge him at a book store. Joel then erases her from his memory. Joel and Clementine then just end up meeting again and dating once again not aware that they've done this before. They're both happy but then realize they once have had eachother erased from their memories and are faced with the question of whether not they should stay together or not. Did all their arguing maybe change them over time? Could this new relationship work now because they've subconsciously became different people through all their past arguments? Thinking about arguing just made me realize that arguing is used to change people's opinion and even what kind of person they are purely for a person's own version of what is right and true. But can people really be changed? Does arguing really serve a purpose when it comes to trying to change someone as a person?

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