Sunday, January 30, 2011


While watching Southpark this weekend I stumbled upon the question of epistemology in a three part episode known as Imaginationland. The characters in the show are questioning whether or not they can send a nuke through the portal into Imaginationland. They basically ask, "How do we know what we imagine isn't also real?" This question is made even more complicated by the appearance of man-bear-pig in the real world and the threat of a terrorist attack on Imaginationland. I thought it was really cool that a show like Southpark which is traditionally looked upon as a juvenile or thoughtless cartoon could examine things like epistemology and still be both entertaining and hilarious. I personally think that real is anything one can think of because if one can think of it one could theoretically bring it into existence eventually at some point. So really there is no real vs. imagination or non real its just ideas that have happened already and those that haven't.

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