Sunday, January 23, 2011

Is Life Predetermined?

In class we analyzed further on the complex process of reasoning and argument. Logic is the abstract principle of reasoning. There is Deductive reasoning; which assumes certain general principles in order to draw a conclusion. Induction reasoning draws a general conclusion from a particular premises, or making a hypothesis. Formal arguments require the understanding of the premises and conclusion. An example is "All men are mortal (premise), Socrates is a man (premise), So Socrates is a mortal (conclusion)." I did not realize that this simple pattern exists in all arguments. This made me question whether life is made up of simple patterns and equations that are followed every day. I just watched "A Beautiful Mind" and Russel Crowe's character, John Nash is able to point out patterns in almost everything, being that he is a mathematician. He is able to isolate patterns in everyday occurrences like the eating habits of pigeons, and the placement of stars. This is also contributed to his schizophrenia, because he creates connections when there are none. He gets wrapped up in the paranoid era of McCarthyism and creates conspiracy's in his mind. If arguments and social patterns of humans and animals can be analyzed in patterns and equations, then maybe there is no such thing as chance. If everything can somehow be broken down into reasonable patterns and occurences, then is anything ever spontaneous? This also made me question whether everything is somehow connected. The game six degrees of Kevin Bacon may just prove that. Maybe fate does truly exist and we are bound to fall into set patterns that are already determined.

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