Saturday, January 29, 2011

Freedom or Security?

In my Political Thought class this week we were learning about Thomas Hobbes political philosophies. My professor threw out the question, if one had to choose between freedom or security what would they choose? Thomas Hobbes thought that one would choose security over freedom and most of the class agreed with this conclusion. But I had doubts on whether Americans would choose security over freedom. I agree that most people would say that they would choose security over freedom but as soon as security inconveniences them I think they would choose freedom. The Government has increased security trying to protect us against terrorist attacks, but when they use certain precautions such as increasing TSA security it becomes a concern about are freedom instead of security. There has been a lot of complaining about the new security precautions taking to much time and violating peoples rights. So what is it? Freedom or security? Do we come to the airport early and go through the TSA checkpoints willingly without complaining or do we choose convenience and freedom and risk another bomb being taken on a airplane in someones underwear?

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