In this class we will ask ‘what is philosophy?’ in the hopes of defending the importance of this discipline for the individual and society. In this endeavor we shall trek through the history of philosophy while unpacking some of the major issues and problems in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic and politics. Furthermore we will address the perennial problems of the good life, personal identity, authenticity and social responsibility.
Monday, January 31, 2011
This little play in my head of what could come first got me to thinking of a debate in a subject I hold near to my heart, psychology!
Theories of emotions are psychological theories (of course) about how the brain and body react to emotions. Basically the debate is do physiological response to stimuli evoke the cognitive response or does the felt emotion evoke the physiological response or do they both happen at the same time? It's really a chicken or the egg type debate.
There are three main theories on this subject:
James-Lange theory- This is James as in William James, father of Psychology. How exciting! Basically these bros say that the physical response to a stimuli precedes the cognitive response. In modern times this theory is not widely accepted because we now know it takes a few seconds for the physiological response to take full effect. I'm sure most people can tell you feeling and thinking emotions happens close to simultaneously. Which brings us to our next theory...
Cannon-Bard Theory- Physiological response and cognition happens simultaneously. This one to me is a little boring. Not really much to discuss. Next please!
Two-factor Theory - This is my favorite because it is very complex (not very, but more complex than the formers.) This theory does believe that physical stimulus comes first but instead neatly going to emotion your brain must process the reason for the arousal. Cheesy example: You walk to class feeling more elated than the norm. Your brain at the speed of light thinks of reasons why this could happen...why that cute guy/girl who gave you a cute smile in the gym is in the next class! My oh my! But real the reason you feel so elated is your endocrine system felt like testing out its endorphins. I'm a romance killer...sorry yall :(
I'm currently dating a philosophy major who took a psychology class last semester. After most classes he had this to say "Psychology is figuring out all the things Philosophy did like 200 years ago!" Too bad psychology>philosophy!
What to do until Monday?
Have a nice break!
Dr. Layne
Immortality of the soul

In class this week we discussed common fallacies, Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Xenophanes, Pythagoreans, and the immortality of the soul. We read about Socrates belief on the human soul when someone dies. He stated about four main reasons why souls are immortal, and proof to back his argument up. The first reason was souls are eternal and unchanging, the soul bring life and is “imperishable.” The next reason is the Theory of Recollection that states that souls existed before birth to be able to retain that knowledge. The third reason is our souls live on when our bodies die and decay. The last reason was the argument from form of life which states of our soul can never die. Socrates stated, “If the doctrine which you are fond of stating, that our learning is only a process of recollection, be true, then I suppose we must have learned at some former time what we recollect now.” I found this very interesting because I have never really thought of it that way. If all souls were immortal would all people start to act in an immortal way and be sad or not? I believe Socrates was a great philosopher. His arguments gave many people hope in the world of an afterlife and a reason to not be sad.
So All IS Number?
in light of the pre-socratics
Parmenides: Fight Club
The Fog
My New Philosophy
Do you think that Socrates changed his mind every 5 seconds like Sally Brown at first? Did it take him his whole life to gather his thoughts and make his philosophies?
Here is a clip of the song. It's for a kid's show, so it's a little corny. :)
What? Yeah, whatever, Socrates.
In the Phaedo, Socrates spent considerable time lecturing rather than discussing. Sure, Cebes and Simmias were listening intently, but they kept brushing off Socrates. Socrates would make a new point or assumption, and Cebes would just go, "Of course it is Socrates/Sure, Socrates/You say it is so, Socrates/Yes, S0c-YOU'RE ABOUT TO DIE, THIS SUCKS." Only one of those is made up. I like that even on his literal deathbed, Socrates took to making a point, which just happened to coincide with assuaging everyone's sorrows about his death. And while he goes on making this point, his followers are too worried about his imminent departure to appreciate the consolation they're getting in the present. "Just keep saying yes, he'll run out of wind eventually." Too bad that happened due to hemlock rather than air supply.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Plato portrays a touching death of Socrates, who spends his final hours assuring his students (or the fearful child within his students, as Cebes suggests) that death is not frightening. Once again, the scene is mirrored by Whedon in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in the final episode of season 6.
Socrates' role, his identity, is that of "philosopher." As Plato characterizes him, this role pushes him not only to pursue the highest truth, but to push others to look beyond what is most obviously apparent in the world. We see this in his interactions with his students in Phaedo. He feels a responsibility to the knowledge he seeks, and this responsibility creates a bond between him and others. He is driven to pull others toward knowledge, just as he is driven toward knowledge himself.
Although Buffy has a very different role, that of the Slayer, she is subject to a similar responsibility. She is responsible to destiny, and her destiny is to be the people's protector. Like Socrates worked to defend the people from ignorance, Buffy worked to defend the people from vampires and other demons.
As Socrates explains, the lovers of knowledge are awarded the best position for their immortal souls after death. This is his role, and he has lived it well, so he approaches death without fear. As he drinks the hemlock and his body dies, he implies that he is being healed from the sickness of bodily imprisonment. He can now reside in pure knowledge.
Buffy expresses similar thoughts when she sacrifices her own life in the final episode of season 6, for her sister, Dawn's. "This is the work that I have to do," she tells Dawn. "I'm okay...You have to be strong. The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live. For me."
As Socrates accepts his coming death as an escape from the temptations and fallacies of the body, Buffy accepts her death as the ideal act of duty and protection. She encourages Dawn to use her memory to be brave, and to not shy away from the world when living is difficult. Socrates asks his students to serve his memory by living lives "for their own selves," to not be swayed by the ideas or criticisms of the masses. Both, as guides and friends, encourage those they leave behind to face the challenge of the conflict between internal and external worlds.
Both died at peace, moving toward an ideal they had lived for.
I don’t see the point in searching for an arche. I like a good mystery. Perhaps something is wrong with me, but I think that the world is more exciting to live in because of all the things we don’t know. Anyway, I think it’s interesting how the philosophers of ancient Greece used logic to keep advancing ideas. For example, the idea of water was rejected because it could never create fire, therefore it could not be the origin of everything. Then air was chosen by Anaximenes, and he added the ideas of condensation and rarefaction to explain the different forms air takes (for example, solids are just condensed air). This way he could explain how one element could create everything in nature. As time goes on and more scientific understanding of the world is gained, philosophical ideas advance with the times. And then eventually, the philosophic ideas might morph into ideas whose questions and answers are definite enough that instead of being philosophy, they switch into being physical sciences. Is there a science today that didn't start as philosophy?
Life After Death?
Idol Fallacies
Immortal Souls
Socrates believes in reincarnation
Philosophy! It's Everywhere!
The magician and the epistemological optimist and pessimist
Radical Flux
Where did all of the philosophers go?
Phaedo Reading
Plato Reading
Argument Of The Mind
Appeal to authority may be the most effective fallacy that is used nowadays, or at least one of the most prominent; people pay a lot of attention to Hollywoo actors, famous athletes, musicians, etc. There's a common belief which rules our society at this moment: being attractive or famous gets you attention. So, when we see our favorite actor talk about how efficient the diet pills he/she is taking are, we run to the nearest store to buy the same pills they were holding in our hope to be just like them. However, people are easier to persuade than that, they just have to see bikini-clad girls having a party with a certain brand of beer, to go and buy that beer. All of this is not only due to the images that are presented to us, but to the feelings they create in us. When people see the semi-nude women/men, they become slightly aroused, so next time they go to the supermarket and see the beer which was on the ad, they unknowingly have been conditioned to feel in the same way.
Propaganda is often defined as the attempt to manipulate or shape other's perceptions, and to cause a reaction which benefits the propagandist. Unfortunately, fallacies have become one of the major means in persuading us. We see them in many forms, such as appeal to authority, ad hominem or bifurcation fallacy, and it's clear they have become a pervasive form of influence in our world.
Mesopotamian Philosophy
Appealing to the crowd
I have always had one of those "old school" moms who had an age appropriate time for everything. There was an age for when I could go out, how long I could stay out, date, get piercings and even dye my hair. So I would always use the line "well my friends are doing it or has it". Similar to what other people do, she would tell me if they jumped off the bridge would you? I was always a sarcastic person and tell her yes! This was just to get under her skin, but her answers never change. I found that the method, appeal to the crowd, never works. However, if you’re anything like me you'll use it anyway just to bother you parents.
"Panta Rei"
During our ongoing discussions of the origins of philosophy, we covered the life and beliefs of Heraclitus. One concept I found particularly fascinating was Heraclitus’ idea of radical flux (“Into the same rivers we do and do not step"). Heraclitus' philosophy can be captured in just two words: "panta rei”; everything flows, meaning that everything is constantly changing. Only change itself is real and constant like the continuous flow of a river which always renews itself. Dr. Layne gave us the example of stepping into a spot of the Mississippi River twice. No same step would be the “same” because the river is always flowing, essentially bringing in different waters from the flux. So this got me thinking. If change is inevitable, then why do we ultimately fear it? Change is natural, necessary, and acts as a catalyst for growth. For example, if a baby did not change, it would never go from crawling to walking, an older child would never advance from kindergarten to first grade, etc. The reality is that life is change. Seasons change. Jobs change. Relationships change. People change. So why then do we resist what’s natural? Simply because we hold on to everything close to us and try our best to always keep things the same. We must learn to embrace change.
Who's to say you aren't flying if you never look down.
The third argument in Phaedo
Class scribe 1-26-11
Anaximander is an epistemological pessimist. He believes that the arche is infinite and cannot be defined or articulated. He believes when you describe someone you are doing them a disservice, because people are constantly changing their identity and all that they are could never be put into words. Like the arche, people are infinite, and indefinable. “My identity does not precede me, for I am constantly creating it”. He appreciates mystery in people and relationships.
Anaximenes is an epistemological optimist. He believed the arche is air, and he believed in measurable certainty, and not relying on just “wisdom” to state facts.
Pythagoras is an epistemological optimist. He believes the arche is numbers. He did not feel that there is a material arche but an abstract one. Knowledge is mathematical certainty and all things can be understood (even the workings of the human brain through waves) mathematical formulas. He finds unity in numbers.
Xenophanes believe there are no anthropomorphic gods. They believe that god has nothing to do with anything that we think he does. Monotheists believe that god things as a whole, sees as a whole, and hears as a whole. We cannot have complete knowledge, because that is only for God.
The Best Possible World
Pleasure or Paradise?

Which do people seek more, pleasure or paradise? First let me begin by properly defining the two. According to, pleasure is worldly or frivolous enjoyment; enjoyment or satisfaction derived from what is to one's liking. A paradise is a state of supreme happiness; bliss. Now knowing these definitions, think about it; is what you truly seek worldly pleasures or absolute happiness?
I thought about this question while reading Voltaire’s famous satirical novella Candide. In this story, our protagonist Candide somehow ends up in El Dorado, a secluded utopia. Everything is perfect there, but he wants to leave. He is in love with a beautiful woman and would rather pursue her than live in paradise.
The story’s ending is not a happy one; he leaves paradise and finds his girl, but now she is old and ugly. They spend the rest of their dull days farming without pleasure and far away from paradise. Take it from the Most Interesting Man in the World: “I don’t always have the option. But when I do, I choose Paradise.”
Never really in the same place
After class I found myself thinking a little bit more about what Heraclitus said about “into the same rivers we do and do not step.” It true. I found myself thinking about how we think we are in the same place but we really never are. Even if we try to do it is impossible to actually be in the exact same place that we were in the past, life is continuously changing and as people we grow with every second that goes by. That chain of thought led me to think that we sometimes take some things for granted and we don’t really appreciate the place we are in at the time we are in it.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Freedom or Security?
In my Political Thought class this week we were learning about Thomas Hobbes political philosophies. My professor threw out the question, if one had to choose between freedom or security what would they choose? Thomas Hobbes thought that one would choose security over freedom and most of the class agreed with this conclusion. But I had doubts on whether Americans would choose security over freedom. I agree that most people would say that they would choose security over freedom but as soon as security inconveniences them I think they would choose freedom. The Government has increased security trying to protect us against terrorist attacks, but when they use certain precautions such as increasing TSA security it becomes a concern about are freedom instead of security. There has been a lot of complaining about the new security precautions taking to much time and violating peoples rights. So what is it? Freedom or security? Do we come to the airport early and go through the TSA checkpoints willingly without complaining or do we choose convenience and freedom and risk another bomb being taken on a airplane in someones underwear?
Ramble on by Socrates
Religion and Fear
The Game

In class this week, we talked about the different groups of philosophers and their philosophical beliefs. The atomists were ones that struck my attention with their claim that their is only void and atoms and that people do things for their own pleasure not to reach a certain end. So yesterday while I was watching one of my favorite tv shows, The Game, I began to think about this. The Game is a show about the lives of professional football players and those close to them. In the last few episodes one of the players Derwin and his wife Melanie were going through a crisis concerning Derwin's child by another woman. Melanie decided she wanted to have a paternity test done on the child to determine if it was his, but she did it without Derwin knowing. I believe Melanie was jealous of Derwin's son and baby's mother and wanted the spotlight all for herself. Her motives really had no end, it was pure pleasure. She wanted the pleasure of having Derwin all to herself not thinking about the possible consequences of her actions. She had no plan it was all instinct. Another of the players, Malik treated his loyal friend T.T. like trash and slept with his girlfriend because he stopped catering to Malik's every need. Malik's goal was to make T.T. feel bad, but once again he acted out of instinct not thinking about the consequences. So one cannot say Malik had an ultimate goal he was acting out of pleasure of seeing T.T. hurt because he may have felt abandoned and hurt also. I don't know if I fully agree with the atomist's point of view, but they may have came on to something. So many people act on instinct and pleasure not realizing that this will not help them get to the end in which they desire to reach.
Adam Stewart- Thoughts on Plado's Phaedo
Pluto claims that we acquire knowledge before birth, and that all "learning" is simply recollection. Well, where was the knowledge first acquired? Where did we first learn the law of equality? Did it happen at the genesis of the "cycle of life?" If so, I find that more of an "excuse" than an "explanation" (Terminal cosmological thinking is my biggest issue with this "philosophy"- as I'm sure it's been with all.) Either way, Pluto states that no knowledge comes from experience; so, experience from a past life could not be responsible for "recalled" knowledge in a souls next life. That said, how can Pluto claim he learned things in the past life, and that's why he knows them now? Finally, Pluto uses the "Argument from Opposites" to prove his theory of equality. If this "argument" can be applied for his theory's benefit, why can't I apply it to Pluto's theory of the immortal soul. If the soul can begin, why can't/ why doesn't it end? Clearly, I'm not on Pluto's level as far as critical thinking and mental connectedness, but his theories are interesting, if not a little confusing. I argue out of respect and curiosity. Thoughts?
Friday, January 28, 2011
H.P. Lovecraft was epistemologically pessimistic
"The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age."
He was also atheist, and anti-theist it seems from his other comments.
Boleyns and Philosophers
The Phaedo
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Recollection of reality
his teacher Socrates, the Theory of Recollection is
explained, which suggests we know certain things at birth,
or that our souls possess some knowledge before we were able
to learn. Things like absolute beauty are included in this,
which if I accused of being untrue, I have then faulted my
own argument by means of absolute equality. Visually a child
can decide two things are equal, physically, or by the way
the look of each object affects him. We do possess the
ability to determine something's inequality as well, in that
one thing appears differently than another, and the mind
then inherently picks one it prefers over the other, making
superior to the other. Therein, providing a simplistic
definition of beauty, or to make a visual distinction
between two things, to judge them by how or how not equal
they are, the theory holds true.
But there is also the factor of the soul, which is
suggested to be the reason why we know things before birth.
If the soul is, in fact, knowledgeable before it enters or
is assigned a body, from what source could it have learned
such things? Was the soul watching mortals from the heavens
or conversing with other souls or did it read it in a book?
Or, if we hold the theory true, did the soul then know such
things at the time of its own creation? Then that would make
souls, perhaps, as mortal as the person they inhabit? There
could be an infinity of forms coming into existence that did
so with previous knowledge, and the same question of where
it obtained such knowledge can be repeated, making it
By this theory it seems that all things exist in their own
reality, and there are none more immortal than other forms,
and nothing is really invisible, but it is all hidden from
others. It could merely be the knowledge of the "others"
that is missing from the whole picture, which makes it
impossible to be positive of anything, even any of the
aforementioned, Plato's theories, Socrates' theories, modern
medicine, good, or evil.
But thinking so would make any drive for knowledge grim, to
continually think that everything you know to be true could
be absolutely false, and that one reality could be different
than another's reality.
So perhaps we only think the things we do out of fear of
feeling worthless, and that there is greater knowledge at
the next step, death, and we will be conscious of this
knowledge in the end. But at Phaedo puts it, there will
never be an actual end, just a continuance. And in our
existence we may "forget" all we have learned, and be
forced to recollect it all over again.
Sex and the City 2!
Stereotypical Black Women
As an African American female, I am very aware of the many stereotypes that people place on me and other African American females. I know that as humans, we tend to jump to conclusions and make generalizations about almost everything. As I looked through the list of fallacies that were covered in class, I realized that the common fallacy of sweeping generalizations is one that continues to plague human beings. I know that people have tons of characteristics that they assume are traits of black females, but of course we know that it’s impossible for everyone in a group to be the same. I know nine times out of ten, television shows portray black women as loud, aggressive, angry, and obnoxious. The perfect example of this can be shown in the following video clip from a show called “Everybody Hates Chris”:
This video portrays a black wife becoming extremely angry and over dramatic about some comments her husband made. Although it is easy to make assumptions about people, we must try not to fall into this trend. I am actually the complete opposite of the stereotypical black woman. I am very quiet and reserved, not very outspoken at all, and although we all get angry about things, I am not one to express my anger in an openly aggressive manner. So what is true in part is most definitely not true of the whole. Yes, there may be a large portion of black women who have these specific traits like being loud, aggressive, angry, and obnoxious. However, people must remember that when stereotypes describe a group of people, the description doesn’t necessarily describe 100% of the group.
Faulty Cause
Is Knowledge Really a Recollection?
For instance, if knowledge is recollecting past thoughts or inherited thoughts, then we would be essentially going in endless circles and never resolving from anything. This thought is simple - lets say that we are learning about science. The atom is the basic form of life, a stable factor. But the variable is the environment, and with the every changing environment, how can we be sure the actual form of life that the atom will take on? Obviously this is very complex, and I am getting confused by writing it - but to me there's two main points of this. 1) If knowledge is simply a recollection of thoughts, something that lives on originally, how are we advancing at such a quick rate and why is the idea of "knowledge" changing every day - with thoughts, beliefs, and ideology changing with it. 2) If knowledge is inherited,why do we face reoccurring problems through the world?
Granted this may not have been the intended argument of the Phaedo, but it begs the question of if knowledge is reoccurring, then why do we continue to face the same challenges?
Philosphy and Race
Class Synopsis for Wednesday 01/26/11
Milesians, Thales, Anaximender, Anaximenes, Xenophanes, Pythagoreans ---26th January 2011.
Xenophanes was an epistemological pessimist. He had a denial of anthropomorphic gods, and he was the first to speak about monotheism. Monotheism was discussed before Christianity began. Xenophanes also believed there is no complete knowledge for man.
The last philosopher we covered was Pythagoras said the arche was numbers and that “all is number.” The world is not only rational, but also mathematical. In this way, like Anaximenes who believed in measurable certainty, he believed all things can be determined with an exact certainty. Everything is related in a unified whole, like all numbers are one. A definition is good and indefinite is evil. Anaximender believed the opposite, because he believed there is mystery in the indefinite. In relation to the Phaedo, numbers can not be destroyed just like the soul can not be destroyed, and the soul is man’s real nature.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Class Synopsis for Monday (1/24/2011)
Monday’s class focused on introducing common fallacies through definition and by the use of examples. Early in the class, one student respectfully questioned the purpose of learning them in the first place. Dr. Layne answered that by recognizing fallacies, we can learn to avoid them, which will help us make stronger arguments and leave us better suited to engage in responsible dialogue later on. The first common fallacy we discussed was “Faulty Cause”; which is based merely off superstition. “Faulty Cause” is when we associate a cause with another because it just so correlated at the same time. One example was a black cat crossing someone who’s involved in a car accident later that same day. The next common fallacy was “Hasty or Sweeping Generalization”. This is when we assume that what is true of the whole will also be true of the part, or that what is true in most instances will be true in all instances. One example was claiming that because one student is lazy, all students are lazy. We then covered “Faulty Analogy” which can apply literally or figuratively. “Faulty Analogy” occurs when we assume that because two things are alike in some respects, that they are alike in other unknown respects. We used the analogy “Life is like a toilet paper, long and useful” as an example. There was then a discussion on the use of analogies in an argument. One student argued that starting off an argument with an analogy makes it weak, while Dr. Layne believed that an analogy is usually better than using than a definition because it appeals to all people rather than just one. We then moved on to cover “Appeal to Ignorance”. This fallacy attempts to use an opponent’s inability to disprove a conclusion as proof of the validity of the conclusion. So by saying “You can’t prove I’m wrong” you’re practicing “Appeal to Ignorance”. The next fallacy was “Appeal to Pity”. This occurs when an arguer tries to get people to accept a conclusion by making them feel sorry for someone. A student making excuses to his teacher about a grade is a perfect example of this fallacy. We then discussed “Appeal to Force”; which is the kind of argument that basically says if you don’t agree with my conclusion, bad things will happen to you. The seventh fallacy we covered was “Bifurcation/False Dilemma”, which is an “all or nothing” fallacy that offers no grey area. The quote “Either you’re with us or against us” directly applies here. “Ad hominen” followed afterward. This fallacy attempts to refute an argument by slandering the source of the argument, rather than the substance of the argument itself. The example we used was “There is no reason to listen to the arguments of those who oppose school prayer, for they are the arguments of atheists!” The next fallacy dealt with pointing out the hypocrisy of the person making the argument. This fallacy is referred to as “Tu Quoque”. One example was the U.S. criticizing the human rights policies of third world nations. The tenth fallacy was “Equivocation”, which allows a word or term in an argument to shift its meaning during the course of the argument. Dr. Layne’s example was “Only man is rational. No woman is a man. Therefore, no woman is rational.” We then discussed “Begging the Question”, A.K.A. Complex Question, which entails making an argument with a conclusion based on an unproven assumption. One example was stating that abortion is murder since killing a baby is an act of murder. We then discussed “Tautology” which is a sub-category of circular argument. It deals with defining terms and qualifying them. The second to last fallacy, “Appeal to Authority”, attempts to justify an argument by citing a highly admired or well-known, not necessarily qualified, figure. And finally, the last fallacy we covered was “Appeal to Tradition”. This fallacy means that we should simply continue to do things as they have been done in the past.