Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Anarchy!!!! NOT

Whitest Kids U'Know (WKUK)

In this episode of WKUK, they exemplify something that i thought of in class. Many people in the world have never experienced freedom and would die for the thought of freedom. However in the USA many people complain about the over use of freedom or the lack of freedom. What people need to realize is how FORTUNATE we are. In this country people can say how they feel about the government and the only concern they have for speaking out is the number of youtube hits they get or if what they are saying is offensive (sexist, racists, etc)

In many other countries, if someone spoke against their country (specifically government) (North Korea, The People's Republic of China, Somalia, etc) they will most likely "disappear" and go to "trial".

Another thing that I thought of in class is how people nowadays do not understand Anarchy.

---Girl wants to start an Anarchy Club, (which requires coordination and cooperation, maybe even a LEADER)

In the Republic (book II) the idea of a simple city was constructed, but as we all know Cities are not as simple as they seem. Humanity as a species is a social group just like many other animals (wolves, lions, fish etc.) Humans live happier lives when banned together. Civilization will never cease as long as there are humans to be in them.

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