Thursday, March 31, 2011

Safe Faith??

Outsiders often see people of faith as ignorant or ridiculous. And people of faith are often to hung up on their own mindset to see the world from a different set of eyes. In class we talked about faith and doubt, and how in order to have true faith one must doubt. But for those who think faith in a God is absurd, doubt comes naturally and freely. I believe that the harder task is having true faith in something and being strong enough to state the doubts or questions you have in relation to that faith. So often "believers" want to believe so badly they act as if their ideas on faith are the only tried and true ones, and in these instances I would say their faith is lacking. Is it because they are so unsure about their faith they have to convince themselves that is fail safe? The real way to grow in faith is to ask questions, let your faith be tested, allow yourself to hear your own doubts and the doubts of others. You may never win a conversation with a non-believer, but the more begin to understand what your faith means in your life, the more real it will become to you. In the end choosing to believe in something is much riskier than choosing not to believe at all, but if you ask questions and look for answers, your eyes could possibly be open to something much bigger than yourself.

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