Sunday, March 27, 2011


Friday in class we briefly discussed Marx's idea of inheritance. Well, I like it. I mean for the middle class his idea of completely eliminating it is not all that great, but for the rich people this works. Is it truly fair that people like Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie to just get everything handed to them? I mean Paris went to jail for a day when she should have been in there for three weeks and found God! It's all for publicity and to make sure people know that she has a Dad that is wealthy and will be leaving her a huge inheritance. It's not right. College kids, like a few of us I believe, are working three jobs while going to school full time. How does that make sense? Young adults who actually do something to benefit the world are struggling to make ends meet, but stupid rich kids who sit around tanning are alright? Dr. Layne commented how in the Europeans, the government taxes inheritances. Well, why do we do that?

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