Sunday, March 27, 2011

Communism: A Love Story

Over the last several decades many nations have attempted to have a communist country, none of which have succeeded. On the contrary, those who have had communism as a political system have caused so much pain and hardship. North Korea, The People's Republic of China, Cuba, Vietnam, Former U.S.S.R. and Laos. These countries of course are not exactly what Marx intended, however these countries must be brought up because they have tried to use "ideals" of communism to control the masses. In China today many people are forced to work in only certain fields of work. For instance as much as you might want (the freedom) to work as a pastry chef, the government wants you to be a butcher. What many people do not realize in Cuba is how very difficult it was (or is) to leave the country. In a personal story, the father of a friend of mine was born and raised in Cuba. However he was tired of being oppressed by Castro's regime, you cannot just get on a plan to go move to a different country. He had to disguise himself in order to get on a boat to go to the U.S.A.

On a separate note, China over the last decade has slowly drifted away from a communistic economy and has slowly embraced a more capitalistic economy. Ever since then, the economy of China has gone up. The U.S.A. on the other hand, trying to become more socialistic has obviously gone down in the economy.

There is a BIG difference between communism and socialism CLEARLY. But these facts must not be ignored for the obvious reasons. One may not pay for school, health care, food, in a socialistic or communistic state, but what exactly do you get? The idea of BASIC healthcare comes into play. Well what is basic healthcare? Does it cover plastic surgeries, heart transplants, dialysis, flu, etc. What is BASIC food? You very well may only get a loaf of bread (former USSR) They promise food of course, but how much? what's the quality?

Of course Capitalism is not perfect, no political system has been in the existence of human kind. But would humans want to lead or be herded?

What many people say about communism is how it is perfect. On paper, Communism sounds very appealing, but as we all know from other countries it leads to exploitation of the proletariat, starvation of many (China, USSR), and lose of any personal freedoms.
A book that really struct the nerve with me was Anthem by Ayn Rand

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