Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Aesthetic, society vs. the absolute

In class on Wednesday we discussed about the Aesthetic which means there is no good or bad. These people flee judgment. Slimy people do not have identity, and usually are uncommitted. Some examples of aesthetics are Hedonist, and Intellectual. Hedonist means life is pleasure and Intellectual means life is thought. Some difficulties that aesthetics face are internal contradictions between immediacy and living for future possibilities, neurosis of who am I, and Boredom results. The main point about aesthetic difficulties is people have to be willing to change their identity and way of life if one desires change. Later on in class we discussed the ethical. Ethical is a leap of choosing to accept moral standards. An example gave in class of this was a homeless guy being spit on. One who sees this has a choice to either defend this homeless person or to just walk away. During this time one has the ought or duty to help the homeless and take that risk, and despair. When we discussed this it made me think about when I stand up for someone or do a favor for them. I asked myself whether I did this out of ought or duty, despair, or just self-choice because I know it’s the right thing to do. Ethical people usually end up being the Knight of Resignation which means people are always going to be in despair for doing a just thing. People know what is expected of them in society, and most of the time we do not live up to those standards and think we have failed. Mill says “Customs where made from Customary” which mean some actions may seem unethical but one knows deep down that it truly is ethical. At the end of class we started to talk about society vs. the absolute and how there is not a commitment to the ethical to law but a purity of heart to will one thing vs. a universal.

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