Monday, March 14, 2011

Reality of Reality.

Friday's class was about Hume's ideas and reasoning. Sensations create everything we define, such as smell or sight. If you see something blue, feel that its round, smell that its rubber, we may conclude it is a ball, but without sight, touch, and smell, we would not know what the blue rubber ball was. Dreams consist of things you have learned throughout your life and involve people and ideas you have been in contact with. Therefore, it seems as if, without the knowledge of the ideas and things, the dream would not exist, or would it? Then, there are things you cannot touch or see, such as love. Can someone love someone with learning what love is? If not, what did the first person to ever love feel if he was never taught what love was? Reality is another question to think about. What is reality and does everyone live in the same reality? That begs the question, what is reality and what is blind ignorance? A child lives in a much different and seemingly safer world than a more knowledgeable adult. Just as beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so is reality and sensations.

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