I once read somewhere that in medieval Japanese culture, the Samurai warrior class had a practice when they received their sword, it was necessary for him to try to see if it worked properly. The Samurai would then try out his new sword on a wanderer or traveler. If he could cut the stranger in half, the sword was deemed worthy. Additionally, even today such cruel practices occur in cultures outside of America. This past year I took an anthropology class on African and Middle Eastern cultures. In some of these, in order to prevent women from being promiscuous, people practice female circumcision. The reasoning goes that since the possibility of sexual pleasure is gone, then the possibility of one's wife being unfaithful is gone as well.
In response to these practices, a relativist is likely to approve of these. In reality though, human life and human dignity is significantly threatened. Should we really just stand by, watch, and let it all happen for the sake of "cultural acceptance"?
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