According to the Epicureans there are 3 different types of desires. According to their philosophy, human being are plagues by worries and pain produced by unsatisfied desires, thus we musch discipline ourselves to know what one should desire in terms of naturally and necessarily. The division of desires is as follows: Natural and necassary desires include the desire for food and water. Natural and unnecessary include things like sex, because we do not need sex to survive individualy. And then there is unnatural and unnecessary which includes unneeded materials like a big house and a fancy car.
I think happiness has alot to do with ones ability to control their desires. In America, we give alot of emphasis to material wealth. In other words Americans are focused alot on the unnatural and unnecassary. We want to live in the suburbs with a front lawn, drive way, air conditioning, and car. People want the fanciest things they can get, and if they can afford it they very well might get it. However, America has the highest depression rates in the world.
Why is it that a country like Nigeria, with one of the porrest populations in the world, is also said to be one of the happiest countries in the world. Perhaps their inability to obtain unnecassary and unnatural things help them in their ability to avoid being plagued by worries and pain produced by unsatisfied desires. They, perhaps, have disciplined themselves not to actively desire a fancy sports car and a big house. Rather, they are happy living in small huts with all the natural and necassary stuff they need like food and water, as well as pleasurable but unnecassary stuff like sex.
The saying money does not bring happiness is very true. People might feel happier that they have made enough money to afford a fancy house, but if they had disciplined themselves never to want unnecassary things like that then they would never have had to worry about satisfying that desire.
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