Saturday, May 14, 2011

Askesis of Desire and Money Does not Bring Happiness

According to the Epicureans there are 3 different types of desires. According to their philosophy, human being are plagues by worries and pain produced by unsatisfied desires, thus we musch discipline ourselves to know what one should desire in terms of naturally and necessarily. The division of desires is as follows: Natural and necassary desires include the desire for food and water. Natural and unnecessary include things like sex, because we do not need sex to survive individualy. And then there is unnatural and unnecessary which includes unneeded materials like a big house and a fancy car.
I think happiness has alot to do with ones ability to control their desires. In America, we give alot of emphasis to material wealth. In other words Americans are focused alot on the unnatural and unnecassary. We want to live in the suburbs with a front lawn, drive way, air conditioning, and car. People want the fanciest things they can get, and if they can afford it they very well might get it. However, America has the highest depression rates in the world.
Why is it that a country like Nigeria, with one of the porrest populations in the world, is also said to be one of the happiest countries in the world. Perhaps their inability to obtain unnecassary and unnatural things help them in their ability to avoid being plagued by worries and pain produced by unsatisfied desires. They, perhaps, have disciplined themselves not to actively desire a fancy sports car and a big house. Rather, they are happy living in small huts with all the natural and necassary stuff they need like food and water, as well as pleasurable but unnecassary stuff like sex.
The saying money does not bring happiness is very true. People might feel happier that they have made enough money to afford a fancy house, but if they had disciplined themselves never to want unnecassary things like that then they would never have had to worry about satisfying that desire.

What is Love?

What is Love Music Video By Haddaway,
Seriously, what is love? There is the love between family which is quite different from the love between partners. We love our family because they care for us and we care for them. Love is an essential part of life because we need to feel like someone cares about us. Otherwise we are alone in this world and that is scary. But do friends love each other? I think so because I care about those people I call my good friends and I think they care about me. Thus, love does not have to be sexual what so ever.
Where does love come from? Well according to Socrates' theory of recollection, our soulds are immortal and thus have learned everything about life we need to know. Thus when we live our lives we are relearning what we have learned countless times before. Perhaps this explains why love is such a powerful feeling. We have learned to love countless times, thus when we feel like we are in love it is seemingly and undoubtedly the feeling of love, even if our minds are playing a trick on us due to having our heart beat increased before meeting someone and mistaking that heart beat for love.
I believe the fact that we have recollecting everything from our past lives we thus have an innate feeling of love. This includes love for our parents when they cares for us, love for others such as boyfriends and girlfriends and love ( a very differently love) for our friends and family.

Osama Bin Laden is DEAD

Was Osama's death ethically sound? Is vengeance what we should be focusing on? Why is it that everyone went crazy and partied so hard on a Sunday night for one person's death?
It was madness on the Sunday Obama announced Osama was killed by US Seals, along with 30 other people in the compound. College kids basically used it as an excuse to party. However, if he is a criminal why did we not try him in court. Other people, like Sadam Hussein and Egypts president were tried by an international court. He was responsible for the 9/11 attacks, but does killing him really make it better? Does "an eye for an eye make the whole world blind"? It was a very emotional death as we all remember the tragic day of 9/11.
From a utalitarian stand point I would argue his death was the least amount useful to people. Instead of killing the man, who is not ruthless and thugish like other Al Queda leaders but described more as a calm philosopher type, we should have tried him in court so that he could be righfully and legally convicted for his crimes and so that the world could see the truth. Now, due to the USA's actions there is alot of skepticism and hatred towards the USA. We should have been civilized about it allowing justice to play its role, instead of putting vengeance as the main aspect. Still, as useful to the maximum amount of people the truth would have been, I bet so many people wish they were the hero to pull the trigger

Utility vs. Self Interest

I personally enjoyed learning about utilitarianism this year. I think that society should be ran on a utilitarian system, however I know that there have been very few successful modern utopias. Utopias, I believe, existed when more often when humans lived as primitive beings and closer to nature. Nowadays, humans are living in cities and suburbs. Our decisions to do such things as turn off the light, or throw away our trash now effects not only the people around us but people and nature far away from us, as such things as power plants and landfills are needed.
Self Interest can and has jeopardized the greatest happiness for the most amount of people, otherwise known as the greatest happiness principle. Our taxes are used in a utalitarian manner, attempting to help the most amount of people. But, when politicians ear mark money for the sake of their own self interest, such as governor Palin's "bridge to nowhere" then there is a serious breach in the greatest happiness principle because a population of people are not made happy by the bad legislation. Also, another thing to conciser is whether Osama Bin Ladens sudden death was the best way to deal with the crimes he committed

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Knowledge blank slate?

Rene Descartes believes all the knowledge he has acquired throughout the years could be false information. This makes him want a “fresh start” or to start from the foundations of knowledge. The way Descartes plans on doing this is by, somehow, forgetting everything he knows, and “learn” again what is useful and true information. But i ask how is it possible to forget something that is once learned? One might forget small details for example in recalling an event that happened 20 or so years before but never the whole event. Unless medical damage was done of course. But this would be cool i guess, being able to basically choose what to listen to and what not to listen to. This goes into free will and how it basically proven that it is only true during the present moment of making that decision. Because everyone makes decisions that they regret in life.

Sebastian Guerra-Mondragon

God (aquinas)

I believe that God is the driving force behind all that lacks intelligence in its pursue of an end. Aquinas stated that (1) Mindless beings will definitely achieve an end. (2) That which lacks intelligence cannot move towards an end unless it is being lead by some Supreme Being /intelligent designer. Therefore, (3) all mindless beings achieve an end through the guidance of an intelligent designer. I agree with Aquinas' five ways because explain how the marvel of design and guidance God has on everything in a large scale.

Sebastian Guerra-Mondragon


“Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opiate of the masses.”- Karl Marx. Why do people have to believe in God? Why do so many need “religion”? As early as ancient time’s man has always pondered on the purpose and creation of life, and looking back at those times, we see the presence of religion and beliefs in a deity or being of higher power. This belief stems from man’s never-ending struggle to solve the puzzles of life that concern purpose and origin. To many people religion is just a compass of morality and purpose which allows them to cope with the uncertainties of life and all it entails.

Sebastian Guerra-Mondragon

Askesis of Desire:

The tripartite division of humans' worry and pain by unsatisfied desires sums up all of what man desire. The division consists of Natural and Necessary, Natural and Unnecessary, lastly Unnatural and Unnecessary. I believe that if this last part is true, does that mean desire is unnatural? Is desire something bad? God supplied us with nature and its abundance of creation to live just fine with the natural. Why do we have to desire the unnatural and unnecessary if they are insignificant?

Sebastian Guerra-Mondragon

Noumena vs Phenomena

Noumena vs Phenomena are the aspects of reality according to Kant.

Noumena vs Phenoma
The Thing Itself / How it appears

However I believe that to have knowledge of one thing, you must have some certain idea of how it functions because of form. If not you could not know what the thing itself appeared like, you would not know the function. In Cells & Heredity there is a universal law that function follows form. I believe that in order know Noumena you must know both; although, with phenomena you can first encounter a new object and how it appears and learn about it after.

Sebastian Guerra-Mondragon

Rationalism (repost)

Descartes was the father of Rationalism which believes in human reason to be the most valuable source of knowledge. I agree with descartes because rationalism uses the abstract principles of logic and pure reason to then be able to learn and interpret knowledge. Not like epistemology which is concerned with the nature of knowledge, Rationalism allows for us to make judgment and analysis.
Sebastian Guerra-Mondragon

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Godot, forgot to post this:)

While watching Waiting for Godot I could not help but be intrigued at the mysteriousness. The contents of what the men considered a normal day was mind boggling. They rarely remembered what just happened or what they intended to do that day. The most disterbing partwas when the pompus slave owner barks at his servant and snaps the leash. Not only was it inhumain I couldnt honestly stand watching. To even consider the idea that this act was acceptable made me uneasy. I wondered though why this Godot character was so important and if all along Vladimir knew in the back of his mind that Godot wasn’t going to show. Godot could have just been hope for something new to happen in the two friends simple lives. Even though at the end when the messanger boy comes to tell them that Godot will not be coming once again Vladimir angered had to have known it was going to happen. If every day is the same then why would Godot finally come?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Kierkegaard's Stages

One class, we discussed Kierkegaard's stages of life. They seem to fit the average person and, to ma at least, they make sense in one's life. Aesthetic is the first stage. At this stage, a person lives in the present and is a hedonist. She or he aims to please themselves, with little regard for others. Once the person has entered the next stage, the ethical stage, she or he sees more trouble in the world, and is more assertive to others. The person chooses right from wrong now that she or he has defined it. The last stage is religious, which entails a leap of faith. A person in this stage does not sense what they believe is real, such as God. Personally, I agree with Kierkegaard in that it seems very likely a person with enter the world focused on oneself. In the ethical stage, they see what the world really does hold. Finally, the religious stage helps them take a leap of faith to believe what they cannot see. I do believe, however, that some people can remain in one stage and never advance to the next stage. For instance, if a person is in one stage and hasn't advanced, and then gets hit by a car, they remained in that stage their entire life.